FTP Warehouse Setup: Available Fields for Purchase Orders

When customizing the purchase order format, it’s important to know what information is available and how to let HubLogix know which information you want in each field. Below is a list of fields available for use. It’s recommended you copy and paste fields exactly as listed to avoid any errors. If there is information you’re looking for not in this list, please contact support@hublogix.com.

Order Level Detail:

Field Name Field Definition
order_id the purchase order number sent to the warehouse after all the transformations (prefix, suffix, etc.)
order_time this is a direct pass through of the order time listed when the order was placed in the channel (not necessarily in GMT)
%orderdate:Y-m-d% order date in yyyy-mm-dd
%orderdate:m/d/Y% order dat in mm/dd/yyyy
shipping_first_name first name in the shipping detail
shipping_last_name last name in the shipping detail
 %shipping_full_name% shipping first name and last name combined
shipping_company company listed in the shipping detail
shipping_address1 first line in the shipping detail
shipping_address2 second line in the shipping detail
shipping_city city listed in the shipping detail
shipping_state state listed in the shipping detail
shipping_statecode state listed as 2 letter abbreviation in the shipping detail
shipping_zip zip or postal code listed in the shipping detail
shipping_country country listed in the shipping detail
shipping_countrycode country listed as 2 letter abbreviation in the shipping detail
shipping_phone1 phone number listed in the shipping detail
shipping_phone2 second phone number in the shipping detail
email email address on the order
shipping_carrier The warehouse shipping carrier selected after routing the order
shipping_method The warehouse shipping method selected after routing the order
%shipping_method_fullname% carrier and method name combined
billing_first_name first name in the billing detail
billing_last_name last name in the billing detail
%billing_full_name% billing first name and last name combined
billing_company company listed in the billing detail
billing_address1 first line in the billing detail
billing_address2 second line in the billing detail
billing_city city listed in the billing detail
billing_state state listed in the billing detail
billing_statecode state listed as 2 letter abbreviation in the billing detail
billing_zip zip or postal code listed in the billing detail
billing_country country listed in the billing detail
billing_countrycode country listed as 2 letter abbreviation in the shipping detail
billing_phone1 phone number listed in the billing detail
billing_phone2 second phone number in the billing detail
is_backorder if the toggle to send back orders is turned on, this will send whether the line item is a back order or not (in the form of 0 or 1)
order_comments private notes section

Product Level Detail:

Field Name Field Definition
shipping_sku the warehouse sku of the item being ordered
product_name pulls the product description from the warehouse inventory table
channel_product_name pulls the product description from the channel inventory table
product_quantity ordered quantity from the warehouse after the case quantity conversions as applied
product_price the sales price that comes through for the item on the order
cost the warehouse cost associated with the item ordered
total_product_price product_price (times) product_quantity
%line_no% used to indicate the order product line number when needed

File Name Detail:

Field Name Field Definition
%ordercounter% this will apply a unique sequence number in the file name
%ponumber% purchase order number. **to be used in filename only**
%channel_type%  populates with channel type (Channel Advisor, Shopify, Magento, etc.)
 %channel_name%  populates with what the channel is named in the account


Shopify Specific Fields

Pass through Data (To use these, make sure they’re setup correctly in the Shopify configuration.)

Field Name Field Definition
@checkout_id checkout id
total_discount line item discount (This will show the line item discount if and only if the discount is specific to the line item. Shopify has discounts at both the order and line item level, and order level discounts will not be reflected in the line item.)
total_discounts Total Discount Amount: this will pass through the order.total_discounts field from the API
@discount_code discount code

Calculated Data

Field Name Field Definition
shipping_amount total shipping amount OR the sum of the individual line item shipping amounts
product_net_price Line Item Net = line item price minus (-) the line item discount value
order_price_net Order Net = order total minus (-) total discounts
order_discount_percentage total discounts divided by ( / ) order total
@total_tax total tax as listed on the order
order_price sum off all things sold (not including any discounts)