Order File

Owned Warehouse Order File Setup

See Vendor Partner Requirements on for high level integration requirements.

Areas for consideration

  1. File Name: Orders will have a unique file name to keep them separate. The default naming convention used is order_%ponumber%.csv but can be customized if needed.
  2. File Header: optional and configurable
  3. Mulitple Line Items: If an order has multiple line items, these will appear as unique line items in the CSV all with the same PO number, shipping details, etc. The only information that will be different is the line item details.
  4. File Format: HubLogix has a standard format for orders, but most warehouses have formatting requirements. If you require a custom format, please provide a sample file with documentation to your Onboarding Coach.
  5. Shipping Methods: HubLogix will need a list of the shipping methods used at the warehouse and how to communicate those methods (ie. full text (FedEx Ground) or shipping code (FGRD)
  6. Item Identifier: HubLogix will send the shipping sku from a warehouse’s inventory file as the identifier of the item purchased.

Example Order Files

download-file-iconExample Order File Format – Single Line Item Order
download-file-iconExample Order File Format – Multiple Line Item Order
download-file-iconExample Order File – Custom Header Options