Product Mapping

HubLogix uses the following 3 data points to match items listed in your channel to items in the warehouse:

  1. Manufacture Part Number (MPN)
  2. Universal Product Code (UPC)
  3. Brand Name

When matching, HubLogix requires 2 out of 3 of these data points to match up. This could be any combination of:

  • Brand + MPN
  • Brand + UPC
  • MPN + UPC

Why not sku to sku mapping?

Many platforms like HubLogix use sku to sku mapping, in which case they’re looking for a single sku to exist and match in both the channel and the warehouse.

That approach usually works when the retailer is able to re-use the skus from the warehouse. But it doesn’t work when you are fulfilling the same item from more than 1 warehouse because each warehouse will identify the same product with a different sku. A different approach is needed.

Although Skus are not universal across warehouses, the fields Brand Name, MPN, and UPC are all assigned by the manufacturer. Regardless of which distributor is selling the item, the manufacturer-assigned data points remain consistent. This approach allows retailers and warehouses to continue to use their own proprietary skus, and HubLogix to still accurately match items across multiple warehouses.

How is your catalog matching to the warehouse?

You can check to see how many of your products are mapping to a channel item by going to your channel inventory page, and selecting the filter for ‘Map Status’. Here you’ll have a number of options to view products by:

  • missing brand name
  • missing UPC
  • duplicate products
  • mapped/unmapped products by warehouse
  • all unmapped items

*ProTipThe Top left hand corner of the table will give you the total number of products. Check this number before & after applying your filter to see how the numbers change. If you need to export the inventory data at any time, don’t forget the export option in the top right hand corner of the table, under ‘Select One’